It’s just one of those days……

It’s just one of those days of summer,

when blooms

Flowering leek

Flowering leek

and beings

Bee with leek

Bee with leek

and beasties

entwine with sun and  sky,

to weave a cloth

Finely clothed

Finely clothed

so light and fine

Light and fine

Light and fine

that you wish you could wear it forever,


like the  sweet touch of earth to  skin.

Day of Summer

Day of Summer

 Close as Earth to Skin

Close as Earth to Skin

© silkannthreades

88 thoughts on “It’s just one of those days……

  1. Miss Lou

    Onyons at those gorgeous 4 legged critters soaking up the sunrays!!

    Delightful collection of pictures and words that suite each other perfectly! ( That close up shot of the flower head is absolutely stunning – I thought it was a bunch of flowers initially)

    #Talent #Nature #FourLeggedFriends

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      The close up of the leek surprised me too. It was the first time I had bothered to take such a close look; worlds within worlds. As for my companion critters; they are the sunshine of my life, as long as they refrain from inappropriate spewing and hair-balling 🙂

  2. Clanmother

    I have been away for a few days so it was wonderful to come back to this post! The title “its just one of those summer days…” allows us to recount the pleasures that we find in our lives that we usually miss because of our busyness. I can see you post “its just one of those autumn/winter/spring days.” By the way, your photos are extraordinary and your ability to tie them together in a post is just a remarkable.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Clanmother, it’s lovely to have you back again. I miss you when you are away. Mmmm….now you have me thinking….a series of posts on the quintessential days of each season as we experience them in Christchurch.

  3. ordinarygood

    You even managed to break our run of ghastly weather with your post and we had the most delightful summer’s day here. Thank you for entwining us into such a pleasant day.
    Your flowering leek is stunning and the bees will adore it.

  4. Tiny

    What a glorious summer day! I came to think about my childhood visits to my grandparents…this is how I remember those summers. Lovely!

      1. Tiny

        Thank you for asking. He is still on 4 medications (waiting to give him the midnight dose soon) and we will know on Friday whether or not they have helped. To me his eye looks little better, but then it might be that I want to see it that way.

  5. teamgloria

    quelle delicious basking-in-sunlight friends-with-fur (their own)!

    is that the lawn where who-we-are-in-RL had tea?

    it looks very familiar (lovely paving stones btw, as the young people say) in, you know, another spirit-filled plane *mysteriouslooktocamera*


    you inspired us with your posies in a header to do a new one for the Book site.

    you and JustAddAttitude – we like both your headers very Much.


    _tg xx

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      It is the very same lawn where we had tea. The white rose is beginning its second blooming. We can take tea there again, when your book is officially launched 😉
      Oh, tell us when the header is done. JAA has the most beautiful header.

  6. greenlightlady

    I needed this “bright spot.” Thank you for reminding me of how wonderful summer is as I endure another foggy day. It was still nice to get outside; however, I do look forward to bees and blooms. I love your white rose and your contented bee and pets.

    Blessings ~ Wendy

  7. Leya

    Summer winds blow with this post all the way up here, to me, and those wonderful friends of yours are also enjoying it! Beautifully written and beautiful pictures! I smiled when you were talking about the bee pictures…they are very busy and almost impossible to catch in a photo – well done.
    I was also wondering about the leek, my flowers are red/lilac. But maybe it is not the same at all?. I sometimes put those flowers on top of my salad. just because it looks great.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Leya (A-C), the leek flowers are at the end of their life, which is probably why they are so pale. However, I did expect them to be a deep lilac colour like chive or garlic flowers. I always use chive flowers in my salad or with eggs. They are so delicious and look beautiful, as you say.

  8. Just Add Attitude

    Beautiful words and cheering pictures. Today (here) has been overcast and rainy so it’s good to see images bathed in sunshine. The days are getting longer and spring is just around the corner, so that’s something to look forward to. 😉

  9. Mrs. P

    I love how you added the pictures to match the words..”finely clothed ” was perfect. When I first saw the leek flower, I thought it was garlic, but leek makes sense as well. Reminds me of a cookbook we had when I was young called “First you Take a Leek” and although the title is what caused my mother to buy it, it did have some delicious recipes…especially a to die for Potato and Leek soup. 🙂

      1. Mrs. P

        Unfortunately, when I moved one time, I left behind a box that contained all of my cook books. 😦 I didn’t realize it until some time later and could not retrieve it.

        1. Gallivanta Post author

          Oh NO, that is unfortunate. Perhaps one day you will be browsing in a second hand book store and you will happen upon one of the books 😉 Stranger things have happened.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      And we could do with some of that rain, much as I love a sunny day. You may be amused to know that I took at least 20 bee photos today just to get that one, reasonably okay, bee photo 😀

      1. afrenchgarden

        It reminded me of the bees on my leeks last summer. We have to be grateful for digital photography and the delete button! I’ve planted quite a few ornamental Aliums this year so the bees will have a longer “leek” season.

        1. Gallivanta Post author

          The delete button is a wonderful tool! Oh, I didn’t think about planting ornamental aliums for the bees. Apparently NZ honey production will be down 30 percent this season because of poor summer weather, including too much wind. My garden is reasonably warm and quite sheltered so I have lots of bees. I wonder where their hive is?

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      They were having the time of their lives. They were so relaxed. I wanted to lie down beside them and enjoy the sunshine but I would have had trouble getting up again! Better to stay on my feet.

  10. utesmile

    That leek flower looks like a big bunch of flowers, beautiful, I never saw leek flowering. Is it he one we eat? I could easisly lose my self in your sunny garden and enjoy the sunshine with your cat, dog and the teddy. And then the thought of having a cup of tea with you there just warms my heart.
    Beautiful pictures and warming post!

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Leek flowers are intriguing close up. It is the first time I have let my leeks flower. Usually I eat the leeks before they flower and that is it; all gone, in to leek soup or something similar. The sun was lovely today. It’s not always this good 🙂

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      A flowering leek is a beautiful sight, although, I think, for sheer beauty, I prefer chive flowers. Isn’t it fun that you are posting about ice and skating and I am posting about the height of summer? Such extremes.

        1. Gallivanta Post author

          But, even though it is summer, there was a storm at the weekend which was cold enough to dump snow on our closest ski field, about an hour and a half from where I live. People were happy to be able to ski in the middle of summer.

      1. pleisbilongtumi

        Yes, I did see it. What a beautiful day you have here. Today is back to rainy day at my place. None of my plant is blooming nicely and many of them lost their leaves because the soil is too wet.

  11. Juliet

    What a lovely poetic post. The pictures of the flowering leek remind me of a sculpture I’ve seen somewhere. And I’m always happy to see a bee in the picture!

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Your mother had several Schnauzers!….how wonderful. The leek flowers are stupendous. We had a good crop of leeks last year and I left some to flower for the bees.


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