Tag Archives: pets

Coming up daffodils

Two months and two days after my mother’s funeral, we buried my dear canine companion, Jack.   We wrapped him up in my muslin skirt and his old towel, and placed him carefully in the hole we dug for him in a raised garden bed. We covered him with sweet, soft soil, and wept,  before giving him a makeshift headstone, a remnant of the many earthquakes we had been through together.  That was 6 months ago, on March 6th.  Today Jack is coming up daffodils ( soon to be followed by tulips, plus unavoidable weeds! ), thanks to a friend’s gift of miniature bulbs. We planted them in Jack’s grave a few weeks after his death.

daffodils in raised garden bed

Coming up daffodils

I miss my small friend.  We loved each other for 13 years. I love him still.

My parents loved Jack, too. I like to imagine he is keeping them company wherever they are. And that they are giving Jack treats, as they once did, subversively, at the table;  behaviour utterly discouraged by me; completely encouraged by my mother and father. Jack’s particular favourite was toasted crumpet crusts from my father’s hand, but vegemite toast crusts were almost as good. It was the hand that mattered more than the food, sometimes.

Vegemite crusts, treats
Jack anticipates the drop
Gran, Pop, dog  collude

Puppy by chair leg

A treat or pat always welcome

When the bulbs start to die away, I will scatter wildflower seeds on  Jack’s grave. They will bring joy in their flowering.

Schnauzer on lawn

Remembering Jack in Summer.

ps Jack died at home, on his bean bag, after being particularly unwell for about a week. His heart failed, and he was gone.  I was with him.

pps The ornamental duck was a Christmas gift from my children many years ago. It has led a hard life in the garden!

Love, loss, life, love

All year long, I have been in the mood for nothing ~ glorious nothing. After a  tough 2015, it was bliss to begin 2016 luxuriating in slow, slothful, living.

But, yesterday, my friend, Liz , (aka Mrs LeapingTracks) , introduced me to her zippy new blog,  LeapingLife, and my fingers suddenly twitched, and expressed a desire to add a little something to my gaping, indolent, whole lot of nothing.

And this is what happened; my collage homage to those we loved and lost in 2015 ~ pets included.

In this collage, ‘Best Beloved’, I superimposed one of my mini-meadow photos on an old photo of a beloved friend who died last October. She was an important presence in my life for nearly 45 years. In the collage, the lighter area is the  photo of my friend holding my baby son. The lightness represents my feeling that she remains nearby, but just ever so slightly out of my reach.

Best Beloved

Best Beloved

The second collage is ‘Best Beloved’, subjected to some more tinkering.

The heart of the matter is love.

The heart of the matter is love.

I used a Picasa editing setting called Heat Map, and, to my delight, my friend’s  pale image became a green heart-like shape. Entirely appropriate since she had very  green thumbs  and one of her great loves was gardening.

Speaking of loves, what/who we love and how we love,  Su Leslie asked me back in October to participate in the 3 Days 3 Quotes challenge.   It’s a bit late to enter the challenge, but here is my contribution from a passage,  (I Corinthians 13 ), which is pertinent to this post, and which always inspires me   ~  “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

Ain’t that the truth! Love, the heart of the matter.


This post is dedicated to love, loss, life, and love, and, in particular to my friend ( and her family),  and to Lavinia and Rick. Lavinia turns loss into life by adding plants to her garden in memory of loved ones.

My friend’s family asked us to remember her by donating to the Millennium Seed Bank http://www.kew.org/science-conservation/collections/millennium-seed-bank/about-millennium-seed-bank  coordinated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.  (What the excellent video on that link if you have time. ) Both are wonderful ways to express  our  love for one life, and all life.  And much more useful than the collage homage. 😉

© silkannthreades

Happy Birthday to a Special Friend.

Oh shame on me! My mother has just reminded me that it is my dog’s birthday today. I had forgotten. I blame the stress of having a flu jab 😉  Never my poor memory, of course!

With sincere apologies and much love, I wish you, my dear friend, Jack, a very Happy 6th Birthday. You have been with me through thick and thin and I love every day in your company.  Yes, you were that littleAdorationTiring puppy days

The joy of being a puppyPuppy in Bluebells

Jack was born on 11 April 2007 in Nelson, New Zealand. He is a miniature schnauzer. His birth weight was 227 grams (half a pound of butter 🙂 ) He was number 3 of a litter of 3 and he has two fur sisters, Jill and Bailey.  His dog parents are Luci and Bo, both of Nelson.  His grandmother was Bailey and his great-grandmother was Rose.

When Jack came to us, we agreed to love him and care for him throughout his life. I think we are doing okay so far. He says the bone we gave him this afternoon was very tasty, thank you.  And the vet says that Jack has a fine physique, and an excellent waistline, and is the perfect weight at 9.5kg. Pity we can’t say the same about his human mother 😀

♪ Happy Birthday, dear Jack! ♪

Wildlife and Waterford Reserve

Today is Show Day. We decided that the A&P Show would be too exciting for us, what with Prince Charles and Camilla being there, and all, so we went to another show  –  a wildlife one at Waterford Reserve. It was very tranquil, except for being dive bombed by two nesting swallows and being told off very vigorously by a pukeko.

Here is a tranquil view of Waterford Reserve.

And here is one of the wildlife, plus wild weeds

More wildlife; ducks, that is!

This pair turned their backs on me. At first, I thought they were resting with their young but, on closer inspection, the strange shapes near them appeared to be dry flax flowers. Were they substitutes for lost babies? They were being protective of them.It’s nice to see all the daisies and dandelions and general weedage. It means that no one has been reckless with weed killer.  Here is a pretty orange flowered weed

Then it was home in the little “motoka kiwikiwi” where we found, awaiting us, the wildest wildlife of all, aka Jack :D.