Ring out the old, ring in the new

This time last week I was in tropical Far North Queensland with my parents and my siblings. We were gathering round the Manger, at my sister’s home,

Old Manger New Setting

Old Manger, New Setting

preparing to celebrate Christmas as of old. There was warmth in the air, in our hearts, and in the prolific poinciana glowing near the front door.

The Christmas spirit in a tree

The Christmas spirit in a tree

This week I am home again, in cooler Christchurch. My house seems too large and too empty, but the quiet stillness gives me time to prepare for the New Year. I fill the vases with the flowers that have bloomed in my absence.

There are flowers for the kitchen window sill,

Cornflowers, lavender and nasturtium for the kitchen

Cornflowers, lavender and nasturtium for the kitchen


flowers for the bedroom,

Roses, nasturtium and geranium to ring in the New Year

Roses, nasturtium and geranium to ring in the New Year

and some for the table, too.


Around the silence of the blooms, there travels bird song without, and words within…..

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Ring out the grief that saps the mind,
For those that here we see no more,
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind….

Ring out old shapes of foul disease,
Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land….


“Ring Out, Wild Bells” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1850 ).

And with bells ringing, there comes music swelling into the emptiness of the rooms.


Let the old go, let the new come. Welcome the year with unburdened, open arms. Greet it with love and warmth and the expectation that it will be good  (but not necessarily easy). Know that with kindness and hugs you will have the fortitude to do your best. As it always has been and always will be.

All hugs welcome here.

All hugs welcome here.

If you would like a gentle blessing to ease out the night, I would suggest  listening with me to Benedictus by Karl Jenkins.


© silkannthreades



154 thoughts on “Ring out the old, ring in the new

  1. Mary

    What a beautiful way to bring in the new year – your flowers bring comfort and cheer to the new year and home. Lovely message, I enjoyed this post very much! Happy New Year and all the best for 2015.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Mary, reading over this post again, I wish I had found a real bell to ring in the New Year. I must have one somewhere in the house but where is the question. Perhaps I will find it in time for 2016.

  2. Robbie

    Oh my, you must be back from decluttering:-) The photos of the flowers, BEAUTIFUL…we have snow + better cold temps below zero today. I miss flowers:-( from my garden:-) lovely music + poem……I can relate to the empty home now that Christmas has passed + my kids are grown and gone. Last one moved out last summer. It seems more empty when one can’t work in the garden. My oldest daughter lives in Stockholm and is having twins ( boy and girl) in April. I wish she lived closer for I know this place would not be so empty:-) I have only 2 grandsons 2 + under by my two older daughters, one does live in the same town down the street and he will be 2 this summer + gardening with me-so my house + garden will not be empty for too long:-)

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Empty homes and gardens have a way of soon filling up especially if they are places that are already full of love and goodness. How wonderful it will be when you get to see the twins and when the twins are old enough to visit you. Good times to look forward to. Decluttering….hmmmmm…..is not yet over. The pace has slowed. 😦

  3. frenchapple10

    Lovely. Happy new year to you. I enjoyed the Tennyson poem. your blooms are cheery on a cold, slushy, Canadian, January morning where the dead branches of the contorted filbert are all that the garden has to offer up of interest.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      But filberts must be lovely in spring, summer and fall! Filbert is not a word I hear very often. What a pity, it’s such a good word on the ear.

  4. Zambian Lady

    It is always nice to visit loved one, but it is also nice to be back home where everything is familiar. You have such beautiful flowers. Photos like yours make me yearn for warmer climes. Have a healthy and prosperous 2015.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Same to you Zambian Lady. I am sure you recall the beautiful jacaranda in Zambia. I loved our street in Lusaka when the jacaranda trees were in bloom; just gorgeous.

    1. Gallivanta Post author

      Thank you Juliet. The flowers in Cairns were perfect for the summer solstice. The thing you can’t see in the Cairns photo are all the tiny ants that invited themselves to the nativity/floral display. 😀

      1. Juliet

        I’m so glad they liked the cards. I’m just back from my last bit of holiday and have lots of catching up to do!


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